Fake Obama Websites spreads Virus.

Beware of Fake Obama Websites that can put your computer into severe problems. Hackers are more intellegiant, ever before. Yes, hackers developed Fake Obama Websites to spread the virus.

hackersAs per the reports from Panda Security firm, hackers are using dozens of fake websites that are linked to Barack Obama’s inauguration Function. According to the reports, more than 70 websites are running a bogus story titled “Obama refused to be a president” aimed to make internet users click on it. Once after clicking the link, it will download a virus on the user computer.

“In reality these are malicious files that are installed on the computer and turn it into a zombie PC, that can be remotely controlled by hackers”, the firm said in the statement.

Fake websites are appeared to have originated in china, the analysis are based on the domain names said the security firm. Moreover, Web usesr are advised not to visit websites that include bestbarack.com, jobarack.com, thebaracksite.com – which can be fake.

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