What’s your browser security score?- asks yourbrowsermatters.org

Security is the major concern in this vast growing internet world. Considering the security threats that are around us, its very important to protect our web browser. Web browsers are the highly targeted entry points for the malware and other threats. YourBrowserMatters.org, an official website launched by microsoft to show you how your browser helps keep you secure online.

The website provides the information about your web browser security score, suggestions and tools to secure the browser. Presently the website provides information for three major browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome.

Protect your web browser from attacks
Protect your web browser from attacks

The website also provides information about the “What is malware”, with an animated movie explaining the need to protect the web browsers against malware.

Protect your web browser from attacks
Protect your web browser from attacks

There is also an interesting counter ticking on the home page with an information as “Total attacks blocked on the web by a browser using SmartScreen technology.”

Protect your web browser from attacks
Protect your web browser from attacks

Have a look and protect yourself from the unwanted attacks!

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