Meet iBox Nano! The World’s smallest, affordable, WiFi enabled 3D Printer!

We, today, cannot imagine a life without a lot of things. Yes of course, I can! Well, I used to say the same until I was forced to live without some of my daily gadget intake. Think about living a life without a mobile phone, a calculator, grinding machine or a fridge for that matter. Think about living without all of these forever. While we all might think we can do it and would love it, as well. The truth is- we simply cannot.

One cannot progress and then retrace his steps back to an era where these things were a far away dream. Social beings need growth and it is this characteristic of humans which has been driving the tech mill. We need our fridge, our bridge, our suitcase, call me a nutcase (sorry for the rhyme chime). The creators of iBox Nano knew the importance of growth and the importance of making us all a part of this growth and thus, they came up with iBox Nano. 

iBox Nano
iBox Nano

I know, the car (Tata nano!), right? NO! This in future would be your very own 3D Resin Printer. Did you just say a 3D RESIN PRINTER? Yes, I did.

Meaning, a huge, ugly looking structure whose noise would drive me out of my mind. No, it means a small, classy looking, silent as silent can be and most importantly, affordable structure. iBox Nano has been designed with an intent to cater to the home users. Just like any printer, place it on your desk right next to your pen stand and start producing.

iBox Nano
iBox Nano for you

But, what do I do with a resin printer? Make customized chess pieces, design a project or, simply tinker around with it. Say, for instance, I want to make a toy, how do I do it? Nothing, design the product on your phone or laptop or PC and hit print. You get teeny weeny dinosaurs, rings, doll head and a lot more.

This product would come in handy for students whose curriculum expects them design and produce live models. For professionals, for whom designing is an integral part of their job and for those for whom designing is merely a hobby.

Software, wire? None. Just place it on a table, design and hit a button to print.It can do this miracle as it is WiFi enabled.

You can carry it in your bag, how cool is that?

iBox Nano
design and produce right at home

What if it messes up with my design?  No way, it promises to produce a perfectly engineered piece or pieces. It has been able to successfully find financial backers which means it would soon hit the market in December.

Keep an eye out for this product as this would mark the beginning of a new revolution in the tech world.

Watch this video as well..

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