Assassin’s creed pirates now available on Android and iOS

The game Assassin’s creed is a popular game or rather a series on PC. The versions include AC1, AC2, AC3, AC Brotherhood and AC Revelations. Black Flag is in progress and is expected to hit the PCs soon!

Now, here is a great news for Android and iOS users! The story and game play go this way. It begins with you being a prisoner in the ship. But as time goes, luck favors your side and you become the captain of your own pirate ship (very much like Black Flag).

You are allowed to battle with other ships in order to loot them. They start by two actions- either to attack or defend. Once you choose to attack you must check for the fire range and fire the ship. It takes some time for your cannon to settle back for next attack. The time you are attacked, you should use the defense option or dodge to defend yourself.


Once you attack the enemy ship a few times and you escape from it continuously the other ship is lost and will start to sink and you can loot it with pleasure. In the progress of the game you must be ready for stronger attacks as you may face bigger ships. The money you achieve by looting ships can be used for buying new ships, upgrading your old ship and crew members etc.


This ultimate game is fun and sailing on a ship is awesome. You have specific controls to steer the ship (different from the movement keys). Overall visuals of this game are of high quality which has brought us a realistic pirate world before our eyes. This game has a really promising sound quality to match with its visuals. The gorgeous lights have an added beauty to this game. The sound of cannons, shooting, and firing has a great effect on the game.

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The gameplay is amazing and is worth the cost. The graphics could’ve been better but that’s fine. Though it is suspected that it may not be the exact same game (some of the games might share the same name but the mobile version will just be a simple one), I suggest you to try the game for a cost of $4.99.

Download for Android

Download for iOS

Picture Credits : GSM Arena

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