Businesses lose $1 trillion due to cybercrime

Businesses lose $1 trillion due to loss or data theft and other cybercrimes“, says McAfee Inc.  The security and antivirus company, McAfee studied about this and said most of the company lose $1 trillion because of their data theft.

The McAfee launched the survey after detecting a rapid acceleration of malicious software, or “malware,” last year. CEO of the company said, ” Malware increased by 400 percent in 2008“.  And he added, “Most of the malware are developed such that it can steal money and data”.

The survey of 800 companies in 8 countries showed that 80 percent of malware aimed to make a financial gain, whereas other 20 percent are just have nuisance value. 42 percent of companys said, laid off employees are biggest threat for data theft.

McAfee CEO, DeWalt said the survey showed that the average company has $12 million of data stored outside its home country — often in countries with little intellectual property law.

Most of the companies in the survey said, more than a money they lose brand names due to data theft.

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