Donate 10 grains of rice each time you flaunt your knowledge

With increasing boom of tech giants, there has been increase in the accumulation of money. Money that people earn is enormously greater than their expense. There are two things people do with this extra, provided one does not simply throw out money on the streets… Either this accumulated money is invested intellectually to multiply or is given away in the form of philanthropy. Big companies have the luxury to do this! But the others? Thus, emerged an era of non-profit organizations and social service groups.

One among them is Freerice that I randomly stumbled upon a few days ago. Created by John Breen, its currently owned by the United Nation’s World Food Programme. Freerice is a website that provides you an environment of playing a game that increments or tests your knowledge as well as donates rice to the people in need. It is an advertisement supported website in which you can create a free account, in case you want to keep count of how much you are donating.

Its a multiple choice quiz game which was basically developed for improving English vocabulary. However, it has been extended to English grammar, learning new languages, science, general knowledge and social subjects and helps you prepare and test yourself for the SAT. For every right answer, you donate 10 grains of rice to the World Food Programme which ensures that these grains benefit those who go to bed hungry.

freerice website donate rice for the needy

If the questions seem very preliminary to you, you have the option of setting the levels manually, instead of being promoted to the consequent levels based on your answers to that level. You can also join groups and donate rice in groups. Personally I feel that joining a group with preferably your friends motivates you to try your hand at these quizzes for a few minutes every day, either to flaunt your superior knowledge or with a deeper philanthropic sense.

freerice quize donate rice

You can find out the top ranking groups and people. You can get to knowthe total statistics of rice grains donated by freerice from time to time and feel proud that you’re a part of this! You can also see your personal statistics, a graph, a table of your totals and the subjects that you’ve been playing in.


Since advertisements are the heart of the donation, kindly turn off your ad-blockers for a while to reap the real benefit of this undertaking!

Even if it’s not your cup of tea to get involved in all this charity business, there’s no better and more interesting way to increase your vocabulary or knowledge than this quiz type of game. Once you get hooked on to it, you’ll be proud that you are addicted to playing this and donating mounds of 1000 grains per day! If you still feel unconvinced, I think that you should introduce this game to little kids! They’ll love the whole idea of donating grains in the name of playing a game and they learn a tremendous lot. I’ve witnessed this with my younger sibling, who otherwise indulges in playing games that neither sharpen her intellect nor is a productive way to pass time. There’s never harm in trying, is there?

Quiz up now and start being kind!

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