Time to laugh till your tummy hurts – Funny Product reviews in Flipkart!

For a long time, I have been wanting a pair of headphones. After I gathered a good amount of money, I decided to buy something from Flipkart. Owing to the fact that it wasn’t a very big deal of money, I clicked on the option that says ‘sort by:’ to choose price-lowest to highest. Instead, I ended up clicking on highest to lowest. That’s when I encountered there were these Sennheiser HD 800 which cost a meagre 89,999 Rs only. (Yes, sarcasm.) I wanted to know who would purchase headphones for so much and started to read the reviews.

If you read them too, you’ll probably laugh for a week.

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And these kind of posts don’t cease. In fact tens of them have posted such reviews. All you have to do is just keep scrolling and laughing!

interesting product reviews

 And these are some of the reviews rated as ‘most helpful’. Surely very helpful for a good time of laughter!

funny product reviews

 It just doesn’t end here. Click here for more hilarious reviews!