Nivea Sun Kids ad that can be used as a tracker

This is definitely the coolest and the most creative thing I have come across this week. Hats off to Nivea for that. There are always printed advertisements that could be ripped out for offers or discounts or even some sort of origami to reveal something else. But this is possibly the first time a print advertisement can be used as a tracker.

The Nivea Sun Kids magazine advertisement can be torn out and tied as a wristband around the child’s arm. This wristband warns parents if the child wander away.

It is specially designed for a trip to the beach, probably the best place for Nivea’s sunscreen lotion for kids as per the advertisement. The ad is designed to be water-proof with a small locator device built into it.


Parents have to adorn their kid with this wristband and download the Nivea Sun Protégé app to sync the locator device to the phone. The customization this app allows is very cute, including the name of the child and the maximum distance he is allowed to stray away to. There is an obvious alert of the child wanders beyond the permitted limit, and a radar-like interface that the parents can use to find them.

I like the part where this ad shows its efficiency in three ways. As point number one, it gets people to be impressed by Nivea and understand the importance of sunscreen if it wasn’t known before, and turn their priority towards buying Nivea’s sunscreen lotion (Obviously, advertisements are made for this very purpose.) The second point is the concept of the wristband and the tracker and the app all tied to one advertisement. Brilliant. Thirdly, and most importantly, it shows the advancement in technology. Who knew a tracker could be built into a water-proof paper and offered in a magazine!

Here’s the official video demonstrating the ad:

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