Step into Virtual Reality with Samsung’s Virtual Reality Headset!

Samsung never stops its innovation. This Gear VR is a great innovation from Samsung, that is going to make you step into the world of virtual reality and perform amazing things. These VR headsets gives best viewing, gaming and movie watching experiences. The Gear VR is much less in weight and is a plastic headband with your Samsung Galaxy 4 in front of it.

Beyond imagination viewing experience 

With Gear VR one can experience watching a movie or anything in a big wide screen. You can enjoy several other viewing like watching a movie in a cinema theatre or other environment like as you your on moon!


The games will be awesome and realistic on Gear VR. One can enjoy the environment which one desires to be in.


Positives and Negatives

The VR headset is incredibly light in weight. It is portable and can be easily used. One has to just own a Samsung Galaxy note 4 to use the headset.  All features like graphics, lighting and reflections are so perfect that they seem realistic. You can also view any calls or text messages inVR, though you can’t read or answer to them.

As for the negatives, Gear VR gets much hot when it is used a lot. A warning message seems to pop up when the usage is much more than the normal or a certain level. Also there is no working store for Gear VR content. Other negative is the headset can becomes heavy because of phone the attached in the front. Also, Gear VR works only on Samsung Galaxy Note 4. This is a little disappointing since it would be so exciting if it works on all phones than only on the pricey Galaxy Note 4!

Gear VR is impressive in technology and superior to the other VR devices. With its own positives and negatives is getting better and better as a first generation product. Though Samsung is not looking to sell its VR to the public right now, we soon shall have a good experience in Virtual Reality!