Temple Run 2 now out for Windows Phone 8

Its been rather a long time since I wrote some articles for my fellow folks and yes, I am back. I’ve been aching to run to a laptop or a desktop at the nearest net center but I couldn’t find the time. I was rather busy with my running schedule. Hey.. wait. Why is this article going on about running this and running that? You guessed it right. Imangi studios has released its Temple Run 2 for the WP8 platform.

It might be late but it sure is worth the wait. The Temple Run 2 is an Xbox Live certified game. It comes with amazing graphics much similar to its Android counterpart. The differences are not much, but rather the brightness and the contrast are much more lively in contrast to the cartoonish nature in the Android version. There are also no lags and the sensitivity is quite high. The people who have been complaining about the lack of this game from the device can now rejoice and shout with joy. The game stands tall at 45MB, but if you have a WiFi connection or a unlimited data pack, then feel free to download the game. The game sure is fun and now you can boast to your friends about your new found game.

Temple Run 2 WP8

Download Temple Run 2 for Windows

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