Yahoo’s new mechanism for spam protections

Company anti-spam czar Mark Risher made a posting on Tuesday focusing on Yahoo’s new plans towards spam protection.

“At Yahoo, we take spam seriously,” said Risher.  According to the posting, “It’s a huge challenge and the bad guys are always out there trying to make a buck with their scams, but we’re committed to helping keep you safer online.”

ymailYahoo’s Hadoop cluster computing is used for its new spam control mechanism.  Among its various other tools used for spam protection, we have hadoop cluster which is used to detect and filter out spam, according to Risher.

According to the posting,  number of projects the company is undertaking with outside firms.  Startup Abaca is working with the company on new behavior-analysis tools to block spam messages, while email specialist ReturnPath is being tapped for a new service designed to remove false positives within spam filters.

Redesigning and improving Yahoo’s webmail operation has been one of the main focuses for the company’s ongoing rebuilding efforts.

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