Yelpulus Rift from Yelp is really a competitor to Oculus Rift Virtual Reality! [Video]

While everybody is talking about Facebook’s acquisition of Oculus VR, Yelp took a minute and gave a thought to post a video about it monocle created at the yesteryear’s hackathon. And yes, you could build your augmented reality stuff too, by following Yelp. All you need to spend for – is to get few ipads, a bike helmet, empty coke cans, a desk lamp and few strands of duct tape to put all the parts together!

This video, we are talking about is totally cool and funny showing off a person wearing the “augmented reality” helmet/headset/? Whatever! Its time that we see technology that was only found in the international space – Yelpulus Rift! What do you say? Watch the video!

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