Edible 3D-printed burger is coming! Would you like to have one?!

Wow! And yes seems like we will turn much more animal and environmentally friendly! A start-up called Modern Meadow in the US is trialling just that. They have figured a way to combine the process of bioprinting with edible food so they can create a hamburger.

Modern Meadow uses material called “bioink”(made of live cells). To print live cells, stem cells or special cells (cells which can replicate themselves) are collected by performing biopsies on animals. Once they replicate, they are loaded into a bioprinter cartridge, which creates a bioink. This bioink when printed, links together and forms the living tissue.


Professor Gabor Forgacs  states that an additional benefit in producing edible meat is that the live tissue can die afterward, as consumable meat is not the living tissue. What this means is that a method of preserving the tissue’s life is not actually required. Modern Meadow is currently facing a couple fairly large hurdles. Like convincing the world to eat lab-grown meat(which may be the hardest one!),  production cost(creating an entire burger would currently cost over $300,000! ) and also it hasn’t grown something like a burger or steak as of yet (so we don’t know when this could come real)!

If we can have 3D-printed organs for medical purposes, 3D printed living houses and even 3D printed dresses in fashion tech why not a 3D-printed burger? Will you not like?! Tell us in your comments!

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