Panasonic’s BF-BM10 emergency LED flashlight can be powered by any battery!

Sounds good isn’t it, to even hear such a news! Yes, its true and from now on you need not rush to search for matching batteries!

Panasonic’s Any battery LED can run on AA, AAA, C, and D batteries. Even when you put a single AAA battery the flashlight’s LED bulb won’t be blinding , it will provide ample light!

panasonic any battery flashlight

You can use the flashlight with any battery and all you have to do is just rotate a  power switch which lets you choose what battery you want to use. Panasonic claims that the flashlight will run for 86 hours straight when every battery slot is filled! Unfortunately we don’t have an option to choose all batteries at a same time as the device is lacking such a hardware as of now.

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panasonic any battery flashlight specifications

Panasonic got the inspiration for this after a massive demand for flashlights following the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011. Any Battery Light will be released first in Japan for $24 starting in January. It is available in pink and white shades. We may expect in our countries sooner! Before that tell us if you would buy this?!

Source : Panasonic (Japan)

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