MegaUpload is back again with the name

MegaUpload, the most famous file storage service is not dead completely. The service will be reborn as, says its founder Kim DotCom. Kim Dotcom was arrested in New Zealand for violating the U.S copyright laws by allowing the users to use his storage service for saving copyrighted contents like movies, music and other digital medias.  DotCom was slapped with cases on criminal copyright violations, conspiracy, and money laundering.

MegaUpload is back again as
MegaUpload is back again as

It’s been a year since the incident affected the services of MegaUpload. DotCom says, he will resume the storage service as which will differ from MegaUpload in many ways. The most important change is that the domain will function as .ga instead of .com, copyright owners will get a direct access to remove the files and the service will not use the U.S hosting companies.

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