532 Million Statuses were updated on Facebook in a single day

Did the title fool you? Of course not! Here is an interesting Infographics by Mbaonline.com, that throws much more mind blowing stats about the internet usage on a single day. According to the reports by the website, the name of the study is “A Day in the Internet”, which says the numbers behind the size of the internet are staggering. In fact, they’re almost unbelievable.

Yes, they are huge! 532 Million statuses were updated in Facebook on a single day, which also says that 172 million unique people have spent around 4.7 billion minutes on Facebook. On the same day the numbers were quite less for other social networking websites like Twitter, Google plus and LinkedIn, where 40 million, 20 million and 22 million peoples have visited the sites respectively. The reports also gives many other interesting stats about the world wide internet usage.

Have a look at the complete Infographics about the internet usage on a single day.

A Day in the Internet
Created by: MBAOnline.com

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