$2 million Bugatti Veyron

Bugatti is known for making luxurious car . Last year Bugatti gave a car known as Bugatti Veyron, with a shocking 1,000 horsepower, all-wheel-drive cruise missile of a car. But then someone said, “What if … we cut the roof off and made it a convertible?” and recently, the $2 million Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport was born. Naturally, a $2 million car comes packed with enough gadgets for James Bond, some aimed at helping corral those thousand horses and others technology that performs the magicians’ trick of doing their work without attracting notice.

bugati-veyronWe should immediately address the capabilities for which the Veyron is notorious: Yes, its 8-liter, W-16 engine features four turbochargers which really do pump up its prodigious power production to a mythical 1,000 horsepower. There is even a “horsepower” gauge on the far left side of the dashboard that shows how much of the Marianas Trench-deep power reserves the driver is tapping at any time. Also, yes, the Veyron really does go 250 miles per hour — 253, actually — but only after some suitably dramatic double-secret agent, nuclear launch-code-type preparations.

The driver enters the navigation destination using the touch-screen interface on an included Hewlett-Packard iPaq HX2000 PDA running Bugatti’s own custom software. The iPaq also serves as the conduit for pairing a phone with Bluetooth to the car, and runs a utility called Bugatti View, which gives drivers a summary of the car’s activities. It presents the pressure of all four tires, and reports on how much engine power has been used while driving, the car’s average speed, the lateral and longitudinal acceleration and even tire temperatures.