Refer plugin directory path in custom JavaScript file [WordPress] When developing a WordPress plugin, it’s a good practice to refer relative file names while referring assets (Image, css etc.,)...
Detect Shift-Enter keypress in JavaScript Here’s a question from one of our readers, Ms. Shikha. I read your article on KeyBoardEvent.keyCode is deprecated and the...
Template Literals in JavaScript – Explained I was going through a code written in JavaScript, where I noticed lot of string variables defined their values within...
Creating Interdependent Dropdown Menus using JavaScript Straight after my previous tutorial on the Multilevel dropdown menu using CSS, here we are going to discuss interdependent dropdown menus...
Date function in JavaScript creating Wrong month? [Solved] Question: While using Date function in JavaScript, the month created is wrong. For example, for displaying the month of November,...
How to Add new CSS or JavaScript code in MediaWiki? If you ever want to add a new CSS or JavaScript code in MediaWiki, then here’s how you can do...
Add Reference link when the text is copied from your Website – Javascript Hack If you ever wished to add a reference or source url to the copied text from your website, then here’s...
12 cool loading styles using css3 only – No Javascript! If you have a super graphical page which has lots of objects to load then you would definitely want to hold...
10 cool Transitions and Animation effects using CSS3 that attracts your users! [No Javascript] CSS3 is the latest standard for CSS. CSS3 comes loaded with many new features such as, Text Effects, 2D/3D Transformations,...
How to store data in Browser’s HTML5 LocalStorage using Javascript With HTML5, large amounts of data can be stored locally on a user’s computer browser avoiding server request every time...
Stylish Next and Previous buttons for image Gallery using simple CSS and No Javascript Hello viewers and developers, here i will be showing you how to create stylish next and previous buttons for an...
Non-Responsive Facebook like POPOVER on Hover using only CSS and no Javascript/Jquery Popovers are very effective way of showing more information about a topic/link or even a description of a photo when a...
Write to Visitors Facebook wall with the click of a button using Javascript Facebook SDK Facebook can be used to spread the word of your website, your quality content articles, comments, smart quiz scores, etc., Webmasters...
Simple Slideshow using CSS, Jquery and Javascript Webmaster always strives to show their websites more attractive to users. You can use Slideshows to show gallery/images/pictures, News contents...
Like Facebook and Twitter, Load Contents dynamically while scrolling using Jquery and Javascript You would have used twitter and Facebook a number of times. In facebook, your news feed just gets loading while scrolling. Similarly in twitter tooo.....
Floating Div for advertisements with close button using Javascript and CSS These days web designing has become more space constraint. Every web designer looks for occupying more things in less space....
How to mitigate load-scripts.php DoS attack in WordPress If you are running WordPress on your website then you should follow this article to prevent a DoS attack in...
[OpenStack noVNC]: Code 400, message Client must support ‘binary’ or ‘base64’ protocol [Solved] As part of OpenStack Yoga release, installed and configured noVNC – a VNC client library based on JavaScript. Essentially, noVNC...
Dynamically increase font size of CodeMirror editor texts Question: I have been using the CodeMirror editor for one of my projects to allow users to write Python code....