Baidu confirms ‘Baidu Eye’ prototype!
It was a top rumour this week, that the Chinese search Giant Baidu is into wearable computing! Now, Baidu has confirmed that it is in the process of developing “Baidu Eye” which is going to be a Google Glass like wearable technology product!
Kaiser Kuo, Baidu Director of International Communications, has confirmed to the TNW that a prototype device is in development.
“It is true that we are working on something, but it is not necessarily for release in the market,”
According to the reports, seems that Baidu Eye one of internal experiments by Baidu. The device is an ”ocular wearable interface” similar to Google Glass. Kuo also said that Baidu Eye will provide the next way to search as “Baidu understands that text is not always the best way to search”.
The precise details aren’t out yet and it may take atlaest two years to see if this will come for public use. Lets wait to see more!
Via : TNW | Tech Sina