LED in Vehicles – Its various advantages!!!

LED or Light Emitting Diodes are devices that appear as small bulbs. The LED Bulbs along the main headlamps add to the style and give an entirely different look to the vehicle. Even if your vehicle is old but you are generous enough to spend a few bucks a compact LED light system can be custom made to be fit in to the headlamp slot

. But having it in different colors like purple, orange can degrade and back fire the look that you are looking for. Make sure the color is white and it is not too bright. Why such LED Lighting systems are advantageous?

LED lighting in Audi
LED lighting in Audi

Ergonomical :

It does not take much time to produce an LED lamp and is very easy to manufacture. It does not cost much to manufacture and is well within the budget of the company producing it.

Low Cost/Power of Operation :

LED when running does not give high operating costs and consumes less power. The power input required by the LED Lighting should be about 100 times lesser than that of required by the conventional headlamps.

Style statement :

Mainly, LED light system can be used as a style statement. It can be used to give a new and commanding look to an otherwise boring style headlamp. As the cars are highly customisable and can be customised at the nearest auto shop. Audi uses LED styling to its range of lineup and gives a stunning look. Volvo uses LED lighting in the tail lamps on its XC series cars.

Compactness :

LED Lighting system can lead to extreme compactness resulting from their small size. This can lead to a thin headlamp made fully from LED lights and not using the conventional headlamps which will give more space for the other components and not too heavy wiring inside the car.

These are some of the advantages I can think of. What are yours? Put it in the comments section below :