Apple unveils White Iphone 4

Apple has just announced that the version in white of its iPhone 4 will not be available for sale this month, as the Cupertino company had disclosed last month. Users will have to wait until late this year to get the new model of the smartphone… anyway, at this time an exact launch date is not known. Initially, it was planned that both models of the iPhone 4 (in black and in white) will be released in the market  at the same time. However, Apple has delayed the release of the white one due to the “unexpected manufacturing challenges” that are emerging in the production process.

iphone-whiteOn the other hand, the iPad will also arrive with delays to some countries where its commercialization was foreseen. The work overload of the maker of its display (LG Electronics) has been the cause of this delay in the launch of the tablet in some countries outside the United States. At this time, Apple has not provided an official and public launches calendar of its gadget in those countries. In fact, the only thing Apple has announced is that the “iPad will roll out to many more countries later this year and Apple will announce availability and local pricing for these additional countries at a later date.”