9/11 Cyber Attack Warning to U.S. Government

Internet could face 9/11 like cyber attack, according to the former security chief. 9/11 was the worst attack on U.S which resulted a severe damage to the world economy. This time Cyber equivalent of the World Trade Center attack, could bring down the banks, power and ultimately could result severe economical loss. According to the Financial News, the former U.S Intelligence Chief John “Mike” McConnell, who worked under President Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama warns the government about this cyber threat.

cyber attack on US

“We have had our 9/11 warning. Are we going to wait for the cyber equivalent of the collapse of the World Trade Centers? All of a sudden, the power doesn’t work, there’s no way you can get money, you can’t get out of town, you can’t get online, and banking, as a function to make the world work, starts to not be reliable,” he said.

“Now, that is a cyber-Pearl Harbor, and it is achievable” .

Image Courtesy: Telegraph.co.uk

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