World’s fastest Ship gets Boeing 747 Jet Engine

Australia’s Incat shipyard describes “High-speed dual fuel vehicle and passenger ferry” is the world’s Fastest ship to get Boeing’s Jet Engine. This passenger ferry is powered by two aircraft engine-based GE gas turbines driving a pair of water jets that can speed up to 67 miles per hour; i.e., 58.1 knots. According to the reports from Australian shipyard, there are speed boats that can speed more than 58 knots, but this ferry can board more than 1000 passengers, 150 cars and with duty-free shopping facility. The ferry named as Francisco, which is called after Pope Francis will run between pontiff’s native city of Buenos Aires in Argentina with Montevideo, Uruguay 140 miles away across the River Plate estuary.

Australia's fastest Ship

Apart from being the Word’s fastest ferry, Francisco is the first ship to use liquefied natural gas as its primary fuel. The ship uses marine-grade oil to start the engines and as backup fuel.

Checkout the video below for more information,

Image credit:  GEReports