Carlashes: Eyelashes for your car

Your car a bit to rough and rugged for your tastes? With the help of Carlashes you can add a touch of femininity to the whip without actually having to find a girlfriend. These fake eyelashes for your car headlights are the perfect accessory for the person with no regard for themselves or their automobile. Flirt with other drivers by turning your headlight on and off, it may also alert the cops but that’s the price we pay for beauty.

carlashesPixar’s Cars proved what most of us have known since we were little kids: the front end of a car looks a lot like a face. A company named Carlashes hopes to cash in on the whole “car as face” theme by offering big, curly headlamp eyelashes that would make Betty Boop jealous. Seriously. This aftermarket glamification is apparently available for $24.95, but that’s not all! If ridiculous eyelashes aren’t enough, you can add “Crystal Eyeliner” for an additional $19.95.

Carlashes’ e-commerce site has apparently endured some intermittent downtime due to elevated traffic levels, likely from a combination of genuinely (and inexplicably) interested window shoppers and people like us, who simply had to see it to believe it.