Apps are crashing on your iPhone 5S? You are not alone!

Do you find apps on iPhone 5S keep crashing? Then you are not alone says the reports from Crittercism. According to the reports from the mobile performance management platform, the new iPhone 5S crashes twice as often compared to the new iPhone 5C and iPhone 5. iPhone 5S has a crash rate of 2% compared to iPhone 5C and iPhone 5, which has the crash rate of just 1%. The company also says, the reason could be due to the latest processor A6 CPU chip that is twice faster than the other iPhone.

“Sometimes the crashes are just annoying, such as when the app fails while you are reading headlines on a news site and sometimes the crash could harm the business as well”, says Kalyan Ramanathan, the chief marketing officer at Crittercism.

iPhone Crash Report
iPhone Crash Report

To analyze the crash rates, the company had looked upon hundreds of millions of app launched since the arrival of iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C.

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