Final Fantasy VII review

The seventh installment of Final Fantasy series takes place in a post-modern, steampunk sci-fi world where high technology reigns and where robots and bio-engineered mutants co-exist with humans and dragons. The story focuses on Shinra Inc., an evil mega-corporation responsible for all the world’s high technology. Shinra supports this technology with Mako Energy, Shinra’s patented source of power. Unfortunately Mako is the lifeblood of the living planet and by using it up Shinra is slowly upseting the balance of nature.

final-fantasyFinal Fantasy VII introduces a new materia system: your weapons have different amounts of slots where you can equip various orbs (called “materia”). All magic spells must be learned by equipping materia, but there are also other types which enhance your spells, parameters, etc. By equipping different materia on different characters, you can customize them freely, without depending on character classes. “Final Fantasy VII” also features plenty of mini-games and many ways to explore the game world, including the submarine first introduced in Final Fantasy V. This game costs around $19.99.