Air : HOUSEFULL! ; Water : Available!

Love is in the air and so are crowded signals. So GOOGLE uses water!

The atmosphere is crowded with signals and traffic is too heavy to control. And therefore six tech giants including GOOGLE have decided to use undersea for communication. The project is called “Trans-pacific” and will use optic- fiber cables for communications. The cable will be used to connect the Google data centers in Japan and Oregon. The plans and names of other giants are still not known.

Many Google’s bandwidth is reserved for its private ‘B4’ network, which is used in transmitting emails, YouTube data and more. Google is continually taking huge steps in covering the world with internet access. Drone project where google intended to fly drones carrying ISPs(Internet Service Provider).  Project loon of google, in which google aimed at connecting people by flying balloons with ISPs . The panic created by one of the balloons in Netherlands last week where the security forces mistook the balloon for a crashing airplane might also be one of the reasons for the search giant to join hands with the new project of “Trans Pacific”  though Google already owns an undersea cable of $300 million.

optic fiber undersea cables
courtesy : GOOGLE

YES Google already owns an undersea communication line. The line connects the Unites States and Japan and is called “Unity” cable system. The system is 9,620 Km long with a capacity of 7.68 Tbps. It consists of eight optical fiber pairs.

Google DATA is never satisfied and always demands more for its travel!!

And so is born a new cable line…

Google expanded its mastery of the web making huge investments in hardware outside its normal business mode.  One such outside business investment is the cable system. Though the investment is huge today, the profit is gonna be IMMENSE. With the 180 satellite launch project, already in hand, Google will now have its own satellites and media of communication.

In the future the search giant is gonna rule the world of internet. Tomorrow the dictionary may even read, Google – search, internet!! We may even read lines “NO GOOGLE NO INTERNET”