iRobot Mirra, a Swimming Pool cleaner to be launched in CES 2013 – Video

A tiny robot can clean your entire swimming pool! A Massachusetts based company, iRobot has created many robots that ranges from robot vacuums, robot mops, Scooba – a toilet cleaner and Looj – a gutter cleaner. The company now plans to unveils it new creation that can sweep your swimming pool and make its clean for you to enjoy.

The robot called “iRobot Mirra 530” will be seen in the Consumer Electronics Show 2013 in Las Vegas. Mirra is a powerful and expensive robot than the company’s original pool cleaner, the Verro 300 HydroJet. The Mirra costs around $12999.99 and will clean the entire swimming pool in 60 to 90 minutes.

iRobot Mirra pool cleaner

Mirra comes with a sleek design and big wheels that hugs the water surface and uses the pool’s own water to clean the pool. The water will be filtered while the robot cleans it and the dusts are sucked into the Mirra’s waste container. It makes multiples trips over the floor and surrounding walls of the pool, scrubs it with the brush to clean the surface.

iRobot Mirra pool cleaner

Well, check the video below to learn more about iRobot Mirra.

Image Courtesy: iRobot

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