New York, Bangkok, Baroda or Delhi, which one will pinch your pocket and which one will guarantee you happiness?

Picture this – you are ordered to or you wish to visit a new city in your own country or one in a foreign land. What is that first thought which strikes your mind post the excitement (or, the disappointment for that matter).

You would definitely want to know anything and everything that is to know about the city. You may probably call up friends, acquaintances or, family who stay or have visited the city at some point of time or better still, Google this information. Why? Because none of us likes to be caught off-guard, we all seek familiarity.

What if the city doesn’t fit your budget? What if the city triggers your asthma? What if the city…? You get that, a lot of ‘what if’s’ have the potential to ruin your stay in a new city. Then what do I do? Who would give me absolute answers? God? Well, a God given and human driven site Numbeo would give you some absolute directions.

What is Numbeo?

Is as delightful as an Oreo (forgive the sarcasm). It is a site which has a mammoth of information pertaining to every city in the world (well, almost). It’ll tell you how much a litre of milk would cost you in New York, what figure should you be expecting on your electricity bill at the end of the month in Madras or, how much a pair of shoes would cost you in Abu Dhabi?

Numbeo-world of databases
Know the cost of living and much more

That’s all? How can milk, shoes and electricity rates help me know about a city?

For those of you who dozed off in your Economics class, here’s your lesson for the day- these (milk, electricity and shoe rates) and some more credentials give away the cost of living of a city. And it doesn’t just give away the cost of living, but also informs one about the crime rate, pollution percentile, property rates and traffic, as well.

But then, if I have to know which one is the best, how would I know?

Click ‘compare’ and you would know which one is ideal for you.

Everything there is to know about a city

Reliability check?

Subjectively speaking, I received some reliable answers to questions related to my city. But, this is a database, where people feed in their details; the site heavily relies on customer feedback which can lead to the Wikipedia effect (read biased).

For now, Numbeo is the hottest site trending online, with features in The Week, New York Times, The Economist and BBC, in short, it cannot be ignored. Give it a shot and find how truthfully it speaks about your city.