Flying Wing, NASA’s new aircraft is saving fuel!

A technology that will hit the market only after 20 years. It’s called ‘Flying Wing’, NASA’s new aircraft that will consume only half as much fuel than conventional aircraft. The aircraft will feature ultra-hybrid bypass ratio engine, developed by NASA that promises to reduce fuel consumption. The design uses structural components that will reduce the weight of the aircraft by 25%, thus helps to reduce fuel consumption. The project worth $300 million, which is a combined effort of NASA and partners including Pratt & Whitney and Boeing.

Flying Wing Design by NASA
Image Courtesy: NASA

Though the project will hit the market only after 20 years, but still it has to face two major challenges. First one is to control such aircraft at low speeds. The second challenge is to design the full scale version of the aircraft with pressurized cabins. The tests were failed, when the aircraft’s parts failed to withstand when enough pressure was applied.

The reduction in fuel consumption was achieved by an advanced engine design; the ultra hybrid bypass ratio engine. In this engine, the front fan on the engine will be much bigger than the core of the engine, where the air is compressed and combustion takes place. But the real difficulty is to mount the fan under the wing. In this design the engine will be mounted on top of the plane, thus reduces the noise as well.  According to the reports, with the help of NASA, Pratt & Whitney to develop ultra-high bypass engines.