Live Streaming of Google’s Cloud Platform Event in San Francisco!

Now it’s Google turn after Microsoft’s grand Cloud conference in India on March 20 & 21. Google’s Cloud Platform event will be broadcasted live from San Francisco today (On March 25th around 8.30 am). Google Cloud Platform allows developers to build their applications on Google’s high performance resources; which includes storage, application service, computing, mobile and other backend solutions. It means, you are going to build an application on an infrastructure where Google uses to return billions and billions of search results in just few milliseconds and it doesn’t stop there, it’s the platform where YouTube streams six billion hours of video per month and where Gmail provides storage for 425 million Gmail users (stats as quoted by Google on it’s cloud platform webpage).

What services Google Cloud Platform has to offer?

To say in few words; it offers everything you need! It means, everything you need for your application architecture. Google Cloud Platform service ranges from Virtual machines (VM), Blob storage, Block storage, Managed Platform, NoSQL datastore, MySQL database and Big data analytics.

Google cloud service

Flexible Application hosting

Any application hosted on Google Cloud Platform can automatically scale up when there is a demand for huge workload and automatically scales down for the lesser workloads.

Better Performance

Google’s Cloud Platform provides consistent computing power, memory, disk and network performance across the world.

Get Started with Google Cloud Platform

What waiting for? Christmas? Get started to access the fastest cloud platform with tons of resources, documentations, sample architectures and solution papers to start building your first application.

Watch the Live streaming of Google Cloud Platform event

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