Xbox One – Gaming machine of the future!

Recently Microsoft held its conference where it showcased the Xbox One- the eight generation video console competing with the Sony PlayStation 4 and the Wii U. The Wii U was released a year back-18th November 2012. The PS4 is expected to hit the shelves by 15th November in the US and 29th November in Europe. The Xbox One has one release date for all the countries and that is 22nd November.

The Xbox One previously required an Active Online connection for the games to perform better and for Multiplayer games over LAN or WIfi. This led to angry gamers which then got Microsoft to decide that it was not needed, but certain games do require an active Internet connection to work properly pertaining to the statement issued by Microsoft before the update.

Xbox One
Xbox One

The Xbox One got treated to a video demo before its retail launch. The extensive video is starring a duo of high-level Xbox executives. The demo video features live code from the Xbox One. It showcases the console’s main features including instant profiles’ switching with voice, biometric sign-in, game DVR, Skype video calling, as well as its multitasking capabilities. Check it out below. The two executives are Yusuf Mehdi and Mark Whitten.

That was cool wasn’t it? Tell me what you think in the comments section below.!!

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