Moto X will be assembled in USA, but designed by you : Motorola’s next Smartphone

I have been hearing few fishy statements about Moto X for quite sometime. Now the recent one is about the advertisement of Motorola for its next generation smartphone that states “Moto X will be the first smartphone to be designed by you and assembled in USA”. Does that mean, the buyer can customize the phone while purchasing it? or once purchased the user can customize its features or they just mean the customization of exterior casing (I don’t think so!) ? We are really not sure, what that means! According to the reports, Motorola’s CEO confirmed that the smartphone will be made in USA and will hit the market soon. The company has also started to murmur about the phone via newspaper ad that was revealed by Ad Age. It seems the advertisement will be seen on The New York Times, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post.

Checkout the Moto X ad below,

Moto X from Motorola

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