Today, the Fortune’s top most company list was announced and Apple claimed number one spot for the sixth time in a row. Apple has retained its #1 position in spite of fall in stocks and Apple Maps. According to the reports, the company has surpassed its rivals Google and Amazon. The report has also praised, the company as “Financial Juggernaut”, who became the most admirable company in the world.
However, it remains a financial juggernaut, posting $13 billion in net income last quarter, making it the most profitable company in the world during that period. The company has its fanatical customer base, and it still refuses to compete on price, making the iconic iPhone and iPad products that are still widely seen as prestige devices. Competition may be stiff, but so far it remains behind: In Q4 2012, the iPhone 5 was the world’s best selling smartphone, followed in second place by the iPhone 4S, according to Fortune.
Fortune's Most admired company in the world
Next to Apple, Google claimed #2 position followed by Amazon at #3. Apart from the tech companies, Coco-cola claimed the fourth position and Star bucks stayed on number five spot. Microsoft after making the Surface Pro tablet was pushed down to 17th position in the list. The reports says, Microsoft is facing downfall due to Windows 8 operating system’s; which is yet to gain popularity among the users.