• Yahoo Pipes web service implements pagination to its feeds in blocks of 100 !

    Recently was working on a project to combine RSS feeds from multiple sources and display the latest news. To combine the RSS feeds i used Yahoo Pipes web service as it was very easy to configure, maintain and for scalability. Unfortunately the combined feed was displaying only top 100 posts,…

  • How to use WordPress functions/posts outside the WordPress directory

    Many of us (webmasters) will try develop an app/extension for chrome or any such to showcase the great contents from the website. So in a way one has to develop from scratch, which is time consuming !. To cut short, you can straight away use your WordPress  functions and posts…

  • How to store data in Browser’s HTML5 LocalStorage using Javascript

    With HTML5, large amounts of data can be stored locally on a user’s computer browser avoiding server request every time and being web storage secure and faster. The data is stored in key/value pairs, and a web page can only access data stored by itself. With this article, i will…

  • YouTube features special icon on its videos to commemorate the 57th Anniversary of VCR

    You’ll know that Google commemorate famous personalities, festivals around the world through its distinct Logo’s. Have anyone noticed Asterix Comic’s 50th Anniversary © 2009 Goscinny – Uderzo Logo ? In the similar way, its YouTube division is also commemorating 57th anniversary of the first Video Cassette recorder (VCR). You can notice a small VHS…

  • How to extract image src from HTML Content using PHP

    If you are looking to load images from RSS Feeds, then you better need to know on how to parse the content to get the image source, as some of the RSS Feeds will not have the content:media tag explicitly. Instead, they combine images along with the contents and deliver…

  • How to convert text into ASCII Art text using TAAG Online Tool

    Recently i wrote few lines of code and was very reluctant to publish without copyright information. Then i wrote few lines of text about terms and conditions, but still wasn’t impressed about the way it was shown. Then thought of including the text-art so that it will look good. Searching…

  • Different colored stylish variable width menus with text-transition using CSS

    Webmaster should always think of simple, attractive and fast loading menus, due to which the visitor experience on the website increases and makes him to comeback again. This increases your returning visitors and in-turn popularity. Here i will be showing you a very simple and attractive menu, which is a…

  • What’s the Most Popular filter on Instagram ? : [Infographic]

    Column Five created info-graphic shows what is the most popular filter on Instagram and among who ? Nearly 100 Million users are active over a month from which there is 40 Million Photo Uploads every day. Young Internet users are the most in Instagram Usage. Women out number men in…

  • Bart Hess’s Weirdest short film : Heart to Mouth

    Bart Hess, Dutch artist’s latest short film offers a stirring exchange of slow-motion passion for love. According to Bart Hess, “He wanted to create a tension between the body and material-almost as though they become one”. In the below short film, two women strokes each other’s latex balloon heads to…

  • Apple’s iWatch – Do you have any guess on how it looks like ?

    Since Apple released its last invotation “iPad” 3 years ago, people around the world are looking for the next invotation from it. Earlier people thought Apple could invent new technologies in the Television, but lately, the rumour has pointed to a smart watch invotation. Many illustrators and designers are figuring…

  • UK iPhone users gets Voice Calling and Messaging on their Facebook Messenger

    Today Facebook is set to activate Voice Calling and Voice Messaging on their Facebook Messenger app for iPhone users in UK. These features already available in testing Phase in US and Canada, now Facebook is ready to roll out the service to UK users. This roll out is to find…

  • Sony’s Xperia ZL arrives US Market with a whopping $719

    Sony’s latest smartphone Xperia ZL has arrived to US markets with a whopping $719 for its unlocked version. Due to poor support from the carrier service, the Japanese phone maker has planned to sell its device unlocked, which means you get a fantastic smartphone with below hardware specs and of-course…

  • Major Windows 8 Update Leaked, features – Tile Changes, Snap Views and IE11

    Microsoft’s Windows 8 since from its inception on October 26, 2012 hasn’t had the consumer success that Microsoft hoped for. To improve its user base, Microsoft has planned some of the new changes to its windows 8. A major update to Microsoft’s Windows 8 has been leaked online named “Windows Blue”.  This build…

  • Apple Acquires Indoor GPS Company WifiSLAM

    Apple recently acquired Silicon Valley startup, wifiSLAM an indoor GPS apps developing company, reports The Wall Street Journal. Apple has confirmed the acquisition, whereas rejected to give any further details. This acquisition costs Apple about $20 million proving that the war with Google for indoor mobile-location service offering gets heated…

  • Programmers are you Ready for Google’s 2013 Code Jam ?

    Here is an wonderful opportunity for all those professional and Student programmers who want to showcase their talent. The Annual Google Code Jam of 2013 has been announced. This year’s Code Jam marks the 10th anniversary. Mark your calendar with – the Google Code Jam Qualification Round will start on Friday,…

  • One billion users tuning into YouTube look like : [DemoGraphic]

    YouTube the gigantic online video sharing website from Google has crossed 1 billion visitors viewing the site every month. This announcement has come from its blog post. The post says that, the boost to reachout such huge visitors have come from the recent smartphone growth. YouTube launched in 2005 by Jawed…

  • How to switch from Google’s Reader service to Feedly RSS Reader

    As you all know that Google’s Reader Service is shutting down from July 1st 2013, we need to find an alternative to it. Until Digg comes out with a rich feature in Reader (Ref: Digg intends to create Google Reader Alternative) here is a best alternative to Google’s Reader service….