Top 28 Google Doodles in 2011

Updated on September 1, 2017

Everyday is colorful, creative, informative and surprising. At least this sentence holds true for Google search lovers. Google search page has never failed to give us surprising doodles. Of course in a more educative way. Google Doodles are the most fun full, surprising and sometimes spontaneous changes to the Google logo in  commemorating holidays, events and our famous legends. Google has created more than 1000 doodles for its homepage around the world. Here are my picks for the year 2011. Which one do you rate as the most awesome doodle of the year?

Alexander Calder
Alexander Calder
Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin
Diego Rivera
Diego Rivera
Earth day
Earth day
Father's Day
Father’s Day
Freddie Mercury
Freddie Mercury
Winner of Google doodle
Winner of Google doodle
Gregor Mendel
Gregor Mendel
harry Houdini
harry Houdini
I Love Lucy
I Love Lucy
Jim Henson
Jim Henson
Jorge Luis Borges
Jorge Luis Borges
Louis daguerre
Louis daguerre
Marie Curie
Marie Curie
Mark Twain
Mark Twain
Martha Graham
Martha Graham
Mother's day
Mother’s day
Pierre De Fermat
Pierre De Fermat
Robert Noyce
Robert Noyce
Roger Hargreaves
Roger Hargreaves
Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs
Takahashi Murakami
Takahashi Murakami
Thanks giving
Thanks giving
Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison
Vitamin C
Vitamin C


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