How to Clone/Duplicate a VM on XEN HyperVisor using virt-clone?

Updated on September 3, 2017

In our previous article, you would have seen How to Install Xen Virtualization Software on Linux and Launch a VM using virt-manager? Today, we shall see how to clone a VM on Xen HyperVisor using virt-clone.

Step 1: Firstly, we need to find virt-clone utility is available using the below commands:

#rpm -qa | grep 'virtinst\|libvirt'


#which virt-clone
 Wed Oct 21>#

If virt-clone utility is not found, then you need to install libvirt and virtinst packages using the yum installer.

#yum install virtinst libvirt

virt-clone tutorial

Step 2: Find out the list of VM’s using the below command:

#xm list
 Domain Name                            ID Mem(MiB) VCPUs State   Time(s)
 Domain-0                                   0     5911     4 r-----  15870.6
 centos-2                                   6     1032     1 ------      4.6

Then, shutdown the virtual machine that you want to clone using one of the following commands:

#xm shutdown <domain-name>


#virsh -c xen:///
 Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal.
Type:  'help' for help with commands
 'quit' to quit
virsh # shutdown <domain-name>

Step 3: Use the virt-clone command to create the clone as shown below:

Certain questions would be prompted as shown below, which you have to answer.

#virt-clone --connect xen:/// --prompt
 What is the name of the original virtual machine? centos-2
 What is the name for the cloned virtual machine? centos-clone-2
 ERROR    Domain with devices to clone must be paused or shutoff.

Note: The above error would occur, if you don’t shutdown/pause the VM’s you intend to clone.

#virt-clone --connect xen:/// --prompt
 What is the name of the original virtual machine? centos-2
 What is the name for the cloned virtual machine? centos-clone-2
 What would you like to use as the cloned disk (file path) for '/var/lib/xen/images/centos-2-3.img'? /var/lib/xen/images/centos-2-4.img
Cloning /var/lib/xen/images/centos-2-3.img               | 7.8 GB     01:04
Clone 'centos-clone-2' created successfully.


if you know the original VM name, you can directly run the below command:

#virt-clone --original centos-2 --name centos-clone-2 --file /var/lib/xen/images/centos-clone-2.img

Step 4: Now boot the new cloned VM as shown below:

#xm create centos-clone-2
 Using config file "/etc/xen/centos-2".
 Started domain centos-2

Step 5: Make the network settings appropriately:

Find the MAC address with the below command:

#ifconfig -a | grep HWaddr
 eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:16:3E:3D:48:8D

Open the file: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and change the IP address and MAC address accordingly.

Make sure the network service are up and there you go. Your VM is now available over network.

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