• Using multiple patterns at once with Sed command

    Here’s a question from one of our regular readers Mr. Manish.  His question is, how to use multiple patterns at once with the Sed command in Linux for delete or replace operations. Consider an example file containing the following text. (I’m using the same example the reader asked for). SLURM_CLUSTER_NAME…

  • Setup WSO2 with NGINX Reverse Proxy for custom URLs

    By default, WSO2 interfaces such as Publisher, Developer portal, and Carbon are accessed via port :9443/publisher, :9443/devportal and :9443/carbon respectively. But I don’t suggest offering endpoints with port numbers to the customer for good reasons. So if you are like me and wanted to set up custom proxy paths such…

  • WSO2 Cannot remove API as active subscriptions exists [Solution]

    Trying to delete an API from WSO2 API Manager and end up seeing this error – Cannot remove API as active subscriptions exist? Well, the error message clearly indicates that there are some users subscribed to the API and it’s not possible to delete the same. It means, before you…

  • Change your user name and initials in Microsoft Word

    Do you create office documents that will be shared with others? Then appropriate attribution and correct author information are important.  Recently, I happened to work on a document collaboratively, but my comments were tagged with username as ‘Microsoft’ which I thought would make no sense to other collaborators. In this…

  • Registered callback does not match with the provided URL – Fix WSO2 Error

    In continuation to my article on WSO2 installation and configuration, here’s another issue that popped up after changing the hostname in the repository/conf/deployment.toml file. The error “Registered callback does not match with the provided URL” occurs while accessing the login page of the publisher and developer portal. If you are…

  • How to Change Product Sorting in WooCommerce Catalog?

    Is there a way to change the product sorting in WooCommerce? Currently, the products are displayed in alphabetical order on the product category pages. – This was the question asked by one of my clients. Well, the answer is simple – Of course, it can be changed and here’s how…

  • Mistyped ‘ls’ command as ‘sl’ – Cure your bad habit of mistyping!

    Mistyping a command is common; for example, typing ‘sl‘ instead of ‘ls‘ is very common. But this mistyping resulted in a funny output on my colleague’s terminal and what I heard from him was a train running on the terminal. Seriously, he asked me to try out the command on…

  • DST Root CA X3 Expiry – Invalid Certificate Error on Chrome [Fix]

    DST Root CA X3 certificate expired on September 30th, 2021 causing many devices on the internet with an Invalid Certificate error, including the websites and services using the Let’s Encrypt certificates. But you know what I was not even aware of this certificate expiry until one of my clients sent…

  • Communications link failure Exception – WSO2 with MySQL [Fix]

    In this tutorial, we will discuss how to fix the communication link failure exception that occurs while integrating WSO2 with the MySQL database. If you are new to WSO2, then quickly jump to this guide on the installation and configuration of WSO2 on CentOS. Also if you are using WSO2…

  • Illegal block size exception – CKR_ENCRYPTED_DATA_LEN_RANGE [SoftHSM]

    I have installed and configured SoftHSM successfully on CentOS. In order to check if I can communicate with SoftHSM programmatically, I wrote a Java program that interacts with the soft token and performs encryption and decryption of an input string.  However, the program was able to encrypt the input successfully…

  • Configure WSO2 API Manager with MySQL Database

    In continuation to our previous article on “Installation of WSO2 API Manager on CentOS“, today we will discuss configuring WSO2 with MySQL database. By default, WSO2 API Manager uses the embedded H2 Database for storing data for the functioning of the gateway. However, it’s advised to integrate it with the…

  • c_rehash : Command not found error – Solution

    Question: Hi, I was trying to rehash the certificates on CentOS 7 using c_rehash. However, I see the error c_rehash command not found. $ c_rehash $HOME/.certs/ -bash: c_rehash: command not found I thought the command should be installed as part of OpenSSL and OpenSSL development packages, but that’s not the…

  • Installing WSO2 API Manager on CentOS

    WSO2 API Manager is an Open Source-based API Gateway that allows the development teams to deploy and monitor APIs and as well provides a facility for the consumers to subscribe to APIs and consume to meet their needs. Why would someone need an API Manager?  Well, that’s a good question….

  • Session Hijacking – VAPT Vulnerability Detection & Prevention

    After the development of a web application for a client, I had requested our security experts group to carry out the VAPT (Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing). Well, it’s the process that should be carried out before launching any system to make sure there’s no vulnerability exposed for the attackers…

  • Uncaught TypeError: a.indexOf is not a function – WordPress

    I have been using Preloader WordPress plugin almost in all of my client websites. But the plugin ended up throwing “Uncaught TypeError: a.indexOf is not a function” error when W3TotalCache plugin was enabled. The error occurred in preloader-script.js file which had the following code. jQuery(window).load(function() { jQuery(‘#wptime-plugin-preloader’).delay(250).fadeOut(“slow”); setTimeout(wptime_plugin_remove_preloader, 2000); function…

  • SSH Connection takes long time? Here are few fixes

    Question: Why does SSH connection takes long time to connect to a machine in the same network? The password prompt takes long time to appear. However, I’m able to connect to other machines on the same network faster. What could be the reason? –  Gouri debug1: Authentications that can continue:…

  • Failed to connect to server: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed [Fix]

    “SMTP ERROR: Failed to connect to server: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed”. Well, this is how my week started. One of my client’s website running WordPress and Easy WP SMTP plugin failed to send mails. Though I rechecked all the mail configurations, test mails via Easy WP SMTP failed with the above…

  • Divi Visual Builder Not Loading [Fix]

    Divi visual builder is not loading? There are plenty of reasons for this and more often there are no errors to help you solve the issue. However, there are few things you can try out and see if the problem goes off. Change PHP settings The first thing you can…

  • Recover deleted files in Git [With example commands]

    In this tutorial, I’ll be explaining how to recover deleted files in Git. Let’s assume a few scenarios and see how Git file recovering commands are working. I deleted a file but not staged for commit Ok, you realized your mistake as soon as you deleted the file, then it’s…