• A plastic which takes care of all the other plastics – Meet Plastc!

    If a genie were to ask me to make a wish, I would ask for a chance to relive my childhood days. Most would wish for it for that matter. Back then life was easy and, who doesn’t like easy? You wanted something, you either got or didn’t get it,…

  • Selflessly yours – Smart Selfie, the selfie friendly app!

    Half-a-century ago, newest addition to the family (an in-law, to be precise) was treated with bulky picture albums. Half-a-century later, this would not be much of a treat! With the blooming business of photographs, we all have jumped on the selfie bandwagon, willingly or otherwise. While the term and it’s…

  • A cloud for all the other clouds – Let Cloudbuckit manage them all!

    Clouds have been trending for quite some time now, literally and otherwise. Monsoons spell photos, loads of them and photos demand space, lots of space! The same applies to documents, presentations, chat backups, phone contacts and all the other integral data without which (or, to be more precise, at the…

  • Work out while at desk,desk jobs made healthy – Cubii while working!

    As a child we all might have dreamed of our ideal jobs. ‘What I want to be when I grow old’ plagues every child world over. Doctor, Scientist, Teacher, Painter…. childhood lets us dream of conquering the world.  But, adulthood brings us in touch with harsh reality of life- no…

  • Howdy, JIBO? Meet JIBO, the upcoming family member.

    A 90’s kid would be hit by a nostalgic feeling at the mention of the name ‘Small Wonder’. The robot named V.I.C.I aka Vicki Lawson in the TV series won hearts world over. She was smart, fun to be around and could do just about anything. I envied the Lawson…

  • Kiss goodbye to years of practice – Say hello to perfect rotis by Rotimatic!

    I have heard of instances where girls are questioned about their ‘roti’ making prowess by their prospective in-laws while seeking out a suitable match for their ward. And no, it isn’t a common place occurrence in rural areas; it is common in urban civilization, as well. While, your feminist spirit…

  • All that matters is Matter- Pixite’s all new photo editing app is rad!

    How obsessed are you with Instagram? My obsession for the photo sharing platform knows no limit. So, it goes without saying that photo editing apps are my phone’s staple. Instagramers or non-Instagramers (avid photographers who curse the existence of Instagram), for that matter would know the importance of a photo…

  • The much needed ruler of Google Now -Commandr lets you do the commanding

    When hands free gained momentum, people were seen walking all over the place seemingly talking to self. My mother still remarks, “What a peculiar fellow”, every time she sees people talking into their headset. I am already dreading her remarks once she sees people talking to (no, not on, but…

  • A cloud without baggage- Sherlybox believes in access.

    I didn’t know the usage of a cloud until I used one myself. I for the longest time relied on my laptop to do the storage part-documents, pictures, videos and then some, you would have found just about everything right in my system. This trust lasted till my system decided…