• A simple CSS3 based navigation styles for Sliders/Slideshows/Galleries [Download Source]

    Sliders, slideshows and galleries are extremely common in modern day websites – that ranges from websites showcasing portfolios, product displays in e-commerce etc…There are plenty of free scripts out there with unique features and styles that helps you embed a slideshow in matter of minutes.  But this one feature can make your slideshow…

  • LinkedIn Style User Profile remove effects using CSS3 transitions

    I Recently visited LinkedIn site and found an impressive user profile listing (those boxes suggesting to connect with people) with a cool remove effect animation. It inspired me to develop a similar one for web development community, with an enhanced creative animations and transitions effects. Well, here is it for you exclusively free to download….

  • IPv6 Routing: Implementation of Static and Dynamic Routing for IPv6 in Cisco’s Packet Tracer

    Networking devices forward packets using route information that is either manually configured (static routing) or dynamically learned (dynamic routing) using a routing protocol. In this article you will learn how to assign IPv6 addresses and how to configure IPv6 static and dynamic routing in Cisco’s Packet Tracer simulator. Static Routing Static…

  • How to enable IPv6 Stateless Autoconfiguration in Packet Tracer simulator

    The most interesting and key benefits of IPv6 addressing features implemented is a facility to allow devices on an IPv6 to actually configure themselves independently, which is called as Autoconfiguration. Auto-configuration offers true-plug-and-play connectivity similar to what DHCP provides in IPv4 along with an additional feature to configure even without…

  • Implementation of IPv4 to IPv6 transition technologies in Packet Tracer simulator

    Internet Protocol (IP) is the core network-layer protocol upon which the Internet is built. IPv4, the current version of the protocol, has been the dominant protocol on the internet over the years. The next generation of Internet Protocol IPv6, (IPng or IP next generation) is the successor of IPv4. The…

  • Download free “IPv6 Cheat Sheet” for Network Administrators

    As you all know, IPv6 is the next generation Internet Protocol that intended to replace IPv4, which still powers 97% of Internet traffic worldwide as on Apr 2015. IPv6 is very much necessary as the address space supported by IPv4 is close to depletion. The primary goal to implement IPv6…

  • How to solve erratic disk usage statistics from du (Linux command)

    Recently on my Linux server box, one of the disk partition was full and had to delete 100’s of MB of large files to clear up the space. After clearing the space, still the partition was showing full and no free space to save my files. Later to my surprise noticed the disparity…

  • How to solve the sudoers error – “sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo”

    I configured my sudoers file to run a command without a password and without a login terminal, but when execute the command, got the below error: “sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo” Sol: My sudoers configuration was to execute the file without password and without any…

  • How to Add a Direct Dial shortcut to your Homescreen on Android 4.1.2

    Recently my colleague upgraded his smartphone to Android Lollipop version. Me owning the Samsung Galaxy S2, was eager to see whats new in the latest android. One of the feature which caught my eye was Direct Dial shortcut on the home screen, which gives an option to make calls quickly to most frequently…

  • How to access WhatsApp through Chrome Web browser?

    WhatsApp, a mobile messaging service consists of over 700 millions users across the world. Until yesterday, Jan 21st 2015, all those users were able to use WhatsApp through their mobile devices. But now for the first time, WhatsApp allows its users to use their favourite messenger over the web too….

  • How to create a hexagonal structure with an image covered using CSS3

    In an attempt to create a hexagon shaped structure with an image inside the hexagon shape, I found many ways of doing it. Thought to share with you all hoping it would help you in some cases. They are : 1. Using border element of css. 2. Using a Hexagonal image…

  • Pure CSS based infinite looping using CSS3 keyframe animation [Tutorial & Demo]

    We have seen CSS3’s power in our previous articles using transitions, animations and transforms. Thanks to CSS3, with which we can create effects and animations without using heavy javascript. In this tutorial, we’ll see how to create an infinite looping using CSS3, without trigger. You can implement this technique to…

  • How to play the old MS-DOS game Prince of Persia on Windows Vista, 7, 8

    How many of you still remember your childhood days of computer games? That too specifically the Prince of Persia? I still cherish my childhood days and playing the game every time I go to my computer class. The story of the game goes like this : In ancient Persia, there lived a sultan…

  • Simple and effective vertical menu with smooth Transitions using CSS3

    If you are developing a website and searching for an attractive, simple and effective menu then you have come to the right place! In this tutorial, you would be provided CSS based vertical menu with smooth transitions using CSS3 only. The menu is cross-browser compatible and 100% CSS. You will…

  • Show social buttons on Image hover using CSS3 transitions [Demo]

    CSS3 transitions are a great boon to the web-designers. In a way we can add awesome effects with just few lines of css code than using heavy Flash animation or JQuery, since all modern browsers support css3 transitions. CSS3 and HTML5 are developing faster and faster, making all browsers to support new features…

  • 12 cool loading styles using css3 only – No Javascript!

    If you have a super graphical page which has lots of objects to load then you would definitely want to hold the user for some time. But do you think anyone will wait seeing a blank page? So, its time to be creative! Make use of some CSS3 only loading styles,…