Comic Zeal app for iPad gets retina display support

Updated on September 1, 2017

Comic Zeal, a comic book reader has got a retina support for the new iPad. The app update includes retina support, few tweaks on the interface part and bug fixes. The retina support in Comic Zeal, generates your comic book thumbnails in a higher resolution. The other updates are, you can set the new comics to be sent to the home screen. The earlier version sends the comics to the clever and powerful slider, but that was bit confusing. The app will now try to find thumbnails to represent a series if there are dividers present in the series. The comics downloaded from the bitolithic will not be backed up and there is fix for the blurry comic container text for non retina devices.

Comic Zeal, an iPad app gets a retina support
Comic Zeal, an iPad app gets a retina support

[appstore id=”363990983″ ]

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