Fildo, a Windows Phone app that lets you to stream and download free mp3 songs

Updated on September 1, 2017

If you are a music lover using Windows Phone, then here’s a great news for you. Fildo, a free WP7 application that lets you to search for free mp3 songs and download them easily. Now you need not roam around the internet in search of free mp3 songs, you’ll get those right inside your mobile. The app comes with a huge collection of MP3 songs that you can stream or download to your mobile. The app allows you to create a playlists, listen to the songs using the fildo player and read the lyrics of the track. You can search for any song using the search box that can accept keyword of 200 characters in length. So you can find almost any song that is freely available.

Fildo WP7 App
Fildo, a WP7 application that allows you to download free mp3 songs

The application supports continuous play, which means that after playing a song, the player will automatically play the next song in the search result. Of course, you can change the song manually too. The feature of the app doesn’t stop there, it allows you to mange the playlists, re-arrange the lists and of course everything for free.

wp7 fildo application
Fildo, a WP7 application that allows you to download free mp3 songs
Fildo windows phone app
Fildo, a WP7 application that allows you to download free mp3 songs
Fildo MP3 app
Fildo, a WP7 application that allows stream songs and manage playlists

Check out the app here.

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