Buy your personal JetPack flying machine for $150,000

Updated on August 19, 2013

Hereafter you will never be stuck in traffic jams. The New Zealand developers have developed a personal flying machine and have also got an approval from Aviation regulators to fly. According to the reports from Martin Aircraft, the certification allows manned test flights, which includes parachute. The price of the personal flying machine is expected to cost from $150,000 to $250,000 and will be ready for sale from next year. The personal jet pack consists of a rocket propelled parachute to save you, if something goes wrong during the flight. The flying machine will be powered by a pair of cylinders containing propulsion fans attached to a free standing carbon-fiber frame.

Martin Flying machine

As of now the aviation regulators has permitted Jet pack to fly with strict safety requirements. It means, the flying machine should not fly high more than 20 feet above the ground or 25 feet above the sea level. The test flights should fly over uninhabited land area only.

Martin Flying machine

Lets wait to hear more about this flying machine in coming days…

Image credits : Martin Aircraft.

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