A Mobile application Happystr will help you to find your happy place

Updated on September 1, 2017

Want to find a happy place? Now there is a map for that.

Happystr is a mobile application that lets you to find out your happy place. Does it sound bit confusing? Let me re-frame the statement like this, Happystr Mobile web app lets its users to mark the locations at which they’re happy on a map. The application also allows users to browse through the happy locations left by the users.

Happystr app was developed during the StarupBus event, where a team of six people completed this project. The project has also been selected for the finals. So, curious to know how it works? Lets not drag the suspense much, here’s how it works,

If you are feeling happy at some place, just go to the web application Happystr. There you can find a pink button “Feeling Happy?”, just push the button. Of course, only if you are really happy!

The application will ask for the explanation of your happiness. According to the reports, the information that you provided will be kept private (Private, as of now). Now the application will start showing happy balloons in the map. The users who are in search of happy place, can browse through the happy places on the map left by others.

Now tell us are you feeling happy? and what’s the reason for your happiness? Of course only if you don’t mind!

Happystr mobile application

Happystr mobile application map
Happystr mobile application map shows the happy balloons left by the users.

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