Amazon plans to ship the product even before you buy it – Anticipatory Shipping!

Updated on January 20, 2014

Amazon’s Drone concept is limited by technology and is going to take a few years. Meanwhile, Amazon plans to implement something contemporaneously feasible in terms of technology. That’s where this new patent called ‘anticipatory shipping’ comes into the picture. Amazon has recently gained this patent.

So, what amazing thing does Amazon want to do this time? It wants to ship your things before you buy them. Huh? What?! Yes. Before you click on the purchase button, you might see it on your doorstep.

Seriously, no kidding. Amazon will track your searches and purchases. Also, explores your wishlists and how long your cursor has been over an item. With a lot of thoughtful calculations, it boxes and ships the product to the customers. This system permits Amazon to send items to shipping hubs in areas where it’s likely to be sold well.

Amazon anticipatory shipping

You can expect Amazon to load the products you like into trucks and deliver it without having a full addressee. Obviously, this will be a big setback, but Amazon is willing to take a shot, stating in the patent that “Delivering the package to the given customer as a promotional gift may be used to build goodwill.”

It’s unsure when Amazon plans on launching this new initiative, but given the feasibility of the idea technology-wise, it’s bound to be visibly happening soon.

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