Monitor your bandwidth usage on iPhone and save money using Onavo Count app

Updated on September 1, 2017

How much bandwidth do you consume on your iPhone? Onavo Count, an iOS app that keeps track of your bandwidth usage and saves you from paying hefty fees to mobile carriers. An app that was hit among Android phones is now available for iOS devices. Onavo Count takes the end date of your billing cycle as an input and keeps track of the data usage through the month. The app will pin point the application that is using the most data and when it uses. This statistics information will give you an idea of which application that eats up your bandwidth, thus saving you from hitting your bandwidth limit.  Onavo Count will also rank the apps based on the data usage and displays as a chart.

Onavo app will keep track of your data usage
Onavo app will keep track of your data usage

Check out the app at Apple iTunes and lets us know if you know any other similar app to track the data usage.

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