Toastr app pops-up reminders when you unlock the Android device

Updated on September 1, 2017

Do you want the reminders to pop up when you unlock your phone? Here’s an Android application named “Toastr” that pops-up reminders when you unlock your phone. Here’s how you can use the app, download and install the “Toastr” app (download link given below) from the Google Play store. Run the app and add a message to float as a reminder when you unlock your phone. You can also choose the time of the floating message, whether it should float for 1.5 seconds or 3 seconds. In a free version, the message floats at the center of the screen. If you prefer to change the position and color of the floating message, then well you need a Pro version. Toastr is good try for those who forget to finish up their important tasks.

Toastr pops up remainders when you unlock your android device
Toastr pops up remainders when you unlock your android device
Toastr pops up remainders when you unlock your android device
Toastr pops up remainders when you unlock your android device

Download the free Toastr app from Google Play store.

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