How to turn your friend’s face into Memes using Memefier iPhone App?

Updated on September 8, 2017

Memefy your friend’s face and just have a laugh. Memefier is an application that lets you to replace your friend’s face with a rage comic.  The application is powered with a face recognition system that detects any faces in the scene automatically and sizes a meme to replace the head.  Memefier come with a variety of memes to help you decorate your friend’s face. According to the reports, the application seems to have few problems in identifying the face (sometimes it might detect non-faces in the scene), but most of the time you will have a reason to laugh. The application has three modes – single meme, multiple meme and random meme. Multiple memes will be useful to memefy multiple faces in a group photo.

Meme your friend's face using the Memefier iPhone app : Credits
Meme your friend’s face using the Memefier iPhone app : Credits

Here’s how you can make use of this app,

Choose the meme you want to use, point your iPhone towards a person and shoot. That’s it. The app is available in Apple store. Have a laugh and never forget to tell us about your experience with the app.

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