Google Image search adds navigational arrows to browse through Image thumbnail

Updated on September 1, 2017

Google has added navigational arrows to its Google Image Search results for users to browse through Image thumbnails. To see it in action : Search for an Image say “Flower”. On the image search results, click on an image to see a larger preview and you will find two arrows on the two sides of the black background along showing the preview. The two arrows let you go to the previous or the next result.

Here is a screen capture :

Google Image Search adds Navigation Arrows
Google Image Search adds Navigation Arrows

This increases the user interactivity more in the Google Image Search. But unfortunately webmaster feel this as a bad idea, as user will never have to reach the website for the image !

In near future you can also expect a slideshow mode in full-screen, so that even you don’t have to click the navigation buttons tooo…

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