How to reset MySQL root password ? What happens if you forget your MySQL root password? No worries, the below steps will help you to reset mysql root...
How to Mass Delete Pending Comments in WordPress? Question: I have around 5,000 pending comments in my WordPress and most of those are spams. I would like to know...
How to Reset MediaWiki’s User account Password using SQL query? There are few ways through which you can reset the user account’s password in MediaWiki. The first method is by...
Why increasing ‘max_connections’ in MySQL is just not enough to fix “Too many connections” Error For the past few days, I started to see this error “Too many connections” in the error log. Generally, the...
Did you run ‘mysql_secure_installation’ after Installing MySQL? It helps Secure MySQL The MySQL database package comes with an automated secure installation script called “mysql_secure_installation”. It’s advised to run this script soon...
It all takes One Click to Optimize your WordPress Database! I have been using WordPress for quite sometime, but I had never thought of optimizing the database. The reason, it seemed bit...
[MySQL Error] : ‘/usr/share/mysql/english/errmsg.sys’ had only 480 error messages My CentOS box runs with kernel 2.6. Today, I wanted to upgrade it to the recent version 3.14. Also, few important security...
Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress. While setting up wordpress 3.8, accessing through web browser, i ran into the following error: Your PHP installation appears to...
10 Effective Mysqldump command Examples for your Reference MySQL is one of the most widely used Database system, that comes with tons of effective command line utilities. For...